Come and See
This afternoon, I scanned the 20-minute youtube yoga videos for the one that packed the most punch. I found one that promised a bucket load of good for my brain and body. I can have all this in 20 minutes? Great. I was ready for my tensions to lift and my mood to be elevated. I breathed slowly and deeply with the chipper instructor. It felt nice. However, the breaths didn’t go deep enough. Turns out the havoc of my sin runs deeper than any breath can reach. It was healthy for me to move my body and breathe intentionally, yet the instructor didn’t warn me that I would be…
Little House
I read Little House on the Prairie books to remember the dignity of sweeping my floor. How else does one survive the pages upon pages on how to make headcheese, fashion bullets, and construct a log cabin, if not for the sanity it brings to daily chores? The books have endured for a long time, not because they are fantastical, but because they show the beauty in surviving. The family makes it through the winter because of the canned vegetables and meat stored away. With Spring, comes deep cleaning and a fresh feel to the home. No, the book has not turned me into a Pioneer woman. And I don’t…