Wealthy One
I married a man with mirth in his eyes, an appetite to learn, and the energy to accomplish great things. He brightens my shadowy moods and recites truths over our children, causing them to grow like dandelions. Lucy Jill was the first to enter my arms, and her sensitive nature connected with my own like superglue. The merciful heart planted inside of her bleeds easily. She sees the hurting quickly, quietly, and extends to them whatever is at her disposal. I smile when I catch her bent over her hundredth journal, the contents revealing a soul swimming in deep waters. Moses Carver is my sunny boy with the laugh. You…
Snow Globe Village
Christmas is six days away. My kids remind me of this when they wake, over bowls of oatmeal, and mid-schoolwork. They stop whatever they are doing and look at me seriously with saucer-shaped eyeballs and say, “Six days, Mom.” Just in case I had forgotten their past five announcements. It feels good to anticipate. And anticipating with children makes the wait pure gold. We anticipate by rolling out gingerbread men and icing their too often decapitated bodies. We wear fat wool socks and Youtube our computer screens into fireplaces with life-like crackling sound effects. We cry like babies watching Little Women and look forward to the chocolate treat that comes…